Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ok 2009 Economy, I'm Beginning to Get My Feelings Hurt

Hmmm.... how to describe the 2009 economy? Withering, soul-sucking, frustrating, scary, unfamiliar, uncomfortable, unfair, blah. How to describe said economy coupled with a job search in an unknown market filled with brainiac competition? Let's just say that it isn't fun.

So, should I still be a lawyer? Or should I follow my preschool dreams of being a cleaning lady in Hannibal, Missouri? I think that commute costs might be a bit prohibitive for that dream to be fulfilled, at least as long as we live in Boston. If only I had wanted to clean houses in Quincy, then I could maybe bend the rules and do so in Quincy, MA. Sigh. Also, my cleaning skills are pretty sub-par. I don't think that I could charge someone in good conscious for my "services" since they would probably have to clean up after I was done. I would do a great job, however, of monitoring their DVR, playing with their dog, and drinking their Diet Coke (and raiding their chocolate supply, just like I did as a superstar babysitter).

Day in and day out, I apply for legal jobs. I network. I'm pushy and do all the things that you're supposed to do in a job search. I've had a few nibbles, but nothing has really come of them. I met today with a recruiter and she was very encouraging about my resume, my job search, my overall awesomeness---she said to hang in there and that something (fingers crossed) will come along soon. Stupid 2009 economy.

So in this downtime, I decided to start working on some of my interests. I'm taking a creative writing class, joining a weekly yoga group on the Esplanade, working out with Bill, started a book club, cooking... it's all fun and dandy, but I really miss working and doing something valuable. I'm not going to lie and say that it hasn't been nice to finally get a tan after too many summers of being holed up inside and catching up on 90210 has been amazing. I had no idea that David is bipolar--I must have missed that episode somehow in college. Good thing he has Donna to take care of him.

So here is a list of some other careers I'm thinking about:
  • Ferry boat captain
  • Lottery winner
  • Facebook updater
  • Beach finder/tester
  • Diet Coke sommlier
  • Photo taker (not to be confused with the talent required to be a photographer)
  • Bar trivia night expert participant
  • 90210/Friends/West Wing resource
  • NYT Real Estate Section critic
  • Electronic equipment setter-upper
  • Sleep study participant (if study involves amazing ability to sleep late)
  • Office supply store shopper
  • Professional highlighter
  • Singer of only parts of songs (lyrics aren't my strong suit)
  • Bubble bath taker/tub reviewer
So, that's what I've come up with so far. I know that those careers are lofty aspirations, but a girl can dream!


Katie said...
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Unknown said...

You could move to MN and be my assistant? It doesn't pay well, but Cheddar gives free licks as long as you let him. Seriously though, try for the Diet Coke taster! Your taste buds must be keen on any formula changes they would be testing.

Unknown said...


You're a riot. I vote for ferry boat captain or professional highlighter! Its a shame we lost touch after high school!!