Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rehearsal Dinner and Presidential Debate #1

So this weekend, Bill's cousin Greg is getting married...which is just the START of our family/wedding-filled summer. We went to the rehearsal dinner tonight at the Carousel in Faust Park--there's actually a working replica of the 1904 World's Fair Carousel. The dinner had the best theme, "Margaritaville"--which to me, meant flip flops, yeah!! Saturday is the wedding which I'm really hoping will include Uncle Jack's headstand YMCA dance because it's just been too long since I've seen him split his legs while standing on his head. Next weekend we're going to DC/Baltimore to hang out with Tom and Amy, which will be so much fun. I'm just a little worried that we won't be able to keep up with them! Then the next weekend is Denver (if I can snag a cheap flight) and then to Quincy for Holtapalooza and then to Miami for another cousin's wedding/our anniversary. Hopefully we will get in some trips to Minneapolis, Chicago, and Charleston before the summer's over--I can't wait!

The first presidential debate was last night so I went to a viewing at one of my favorite law school professor's house with NARAL and really had a great time. Election season is, after all, my favorite time of year and election night is the best holiday if you ask me. I was sorely disappointed by Barak's stiffness, but I think he did much better when he had an impromptu rebuttal and went off-script. HRC was pretty good and honestly was the most "presidential," but I just don't know how well she comes off to those who aren't willing to look beyond her rough edges--which is wouldn't even be an issue if she were a man. John Edwards did NOT impress me and I really wish he would stop being so slick. Mike Gravel was at times hilarious and pointless, but I have to give him props for showing emotion and passion, as well as actually speaking some truths that others are unwilling to risk the political fallout for saying. The highlight of the evening was listening to Professor Rosenbury's critical review of last week's USSC's abortion decision: if you pay attention to the language Justice Kennedy used, it's just amazing how much antiquated, misogynistic, and anti-choice rhetoric was incorporated. He actually referred to women as being frail! Yikes!!

As I write this, Bill and I are watching Grey's...and of course, he's diagnosing everyone and kinda ruining the show--argh....he DID NOT, however, catch the "penis fish" on the x-ray, just in case you're wondering. And I'm sorry, but it's just not realistic that McDreamy lives in a trailer.
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