Monday, May 7, 2007

St. Elmo's Fire Hucker Style

What a fun weekend! Bill's Uncle Tom and Auntie Amy were kind enough to host us and give us a fantastic time around DC. Bill presented/taught some stuff at the NIH during the week so I flew out on Friday for some Tom and Amy time--and it was great! We went out to a yummy Cuban place just down the street from their apartment and of course dining with a local celebrity couple has its perks...and we enjoyed the free drinks immensely! Saturday started off at the aptly-named Tastee Diner and then off to Annapolis to see the honorable Delegate Hucker's stomping grounds. It was pretty cool to get a behind-the-scenes tour of the capitol (interestingly, my dad was also in DC that week and he got to meet Barak, which is just as cool, right??). We went into DC and went to the National Cathedral, but it was closed. The exterior architecture is pretty impressive--it's hard to believe that it exists in the US and not Europe. Next stop was the Jefferson Memorial (his quotes about slavery are, uh, interesting) and then the FDR Memorial, which was just amazing. Bill and I both really enjoyed the use of water and the quotes throughout (of course, I cried). We had some YUMMY Indian food for dinner in Bethesda and then saw a movie at the local arthouse theater (much better than seeing Spiderman3, don't you think?). Sunday we went house hunting (my favorite activity) which was good not just for Tom and Amy but also for us in case we end up moving there. It will be quite a sticker shock compare to St. Louis--we're so spoiled with our house here. We finished our visit by going to Georgetown and eating crabcakes and drinking some bloody mary's along the waterfront--aahhh. Our walk around the neighborhood made me love DC even more....and then out of nowhere we came along the Public Policy school.....isn't that a sign?? The only thing missing was Rob Lowe playing his saxophone on the street.

So kudos to Tom and Amy---now you just have to name your fish George and Otis and we'll sign a contract!

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