Saturday, April 14, 2007


Today is my 28th birthday--that's how old my mom was when she had me!! I'll admit to being a bit freaked out at that notion and to wondering just exactly how the hell I can be 28, but oh well. Bill and I went out last night with the Moyich's and had a great time! We were supposed to go watch the Cards at home but the weather wasn't cooperating and the game was called early so we went around town drinking at different spots instead. I played oppossum this morning and then we got Indian food for lunch--yummy. Bill is supposed to be cleaning the house today for my birthday present but so far all he's done is whine and mumble about how much he hates to clean....nice. He also took me to Walgreens to look at birthday cards instead of actually buying me a birthday card--not because he's cheap, just because he's been busy. I don't care--I think it's funny and I love him anyway. Bill just said that if I love him, why does he have to clean the house??? BECAUSE IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!


Jenny said...

happy birthday katie!!!!!
gee, bill sounds strangely similar to greg in this entry. i am enjoying your blog and especially the pics of the dogs-keep them coming!

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHA - I think Bill taking you to look at cards is the funniest thing I have ever heard! Please DO NOT pass this idea on to Chris (as he would LOVE it) b/c I will never see another card or present...

ME: "Where are we going today?"
CHRIS: "To the Coach outlet to look at your birthday present..."
ME: "You mean 'to the Coach outlet to pick up' my birthday present...???"
CHRIS: "Nope, I am just taking you to look at the purse you will not actually be getting for your birthday. Bill said this sort of thing actually held up in his house... After Coach, I thought we could run by Tiffany & Co. and do some Christmas looking there. Nothing is too good for my girl..."