Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shut the Door and Sit Down (or something like that)

I am simply horrible about this blog. I enjoy reading blogs of my friends (and some enemies) and am a religious Facebook updater, but I can't keep this journal alive. Sigh. I will try harder and give it the love and attention it deserves.

So... what's new? Nothing really other than I have  new man in my life: Don Draper. I've always heard good things about the show "Mad Men" and I finally started watching it this fall. I absolutely devoured the first two seasons in about a week and quickly caught up with the third. The season finale aired this week and I'm already in withdrawal like a crack addict. Who knew that basic cable could be so good? I mean, I love trashy shows as much as the next girl, but "Mad Men" is intelligent and simply beautiful to watch unfold. Bonus: B looks A LOT like Don Draper. Hawtness.


Many of my good friends are having major life changes right now---some good, some sad. It all just makes me realize that we are actually adults, with grownup lives and everything. That is crazy. I wonder when that happened, but then I realize that I've pretty much always been a grownup.  But the thought of having a baby, which is the next logical step in my life, just terrifies me--no way can I be old enough to raise a child! Our house is always a mess, B works crazy hours, I don't really have a job, we don't have the money, blahblahblah. I met two people this week, however, who are in similar life situations and they both just had babies---so if they can make it work, why couldn't we? How will we know when it's the right time? And what if when the stars align and we finally decide to have a baby, my body laughs and says that old ladies can't have babies? Sometimes I wake up and actually hear tick-ticK-tiCK-tICK-TICK!TICK!TICK!TICK!TICK!TICK!!!!!!!!!!!TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK. And then I pick up Georgie and smother him with baby talk and smooches.

And put holes in the condoms (just kidding... or am I???).


Cakes said...

I need to see if I can watch Mad Men online. I keep hearing great things about it. That and Glee.

ahhh...the baby timing. It's a toughie. But, let me tell you there is no "perfect time." and while doing infertility treatments I met a lot of women who waited past their window. But, you're not there yet. (I think you're 10 yrs younger than me.)

My concern...being an at home mom can be very isolating if you let it. Especially if your husband works long hours. But, it can also be a great excuse to meet new friends and form a support network around yourself. Just make sure you pick the right moms. It can be very junior high.

but then maybe not being fully engaged in your career at the moment is a good time so you don't have to or feel the need to put it on hold just a few years after getting started...ack. it's a toughie.

Cakes said...

oh! and I love that picture! What about the calendar?