Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's August Already?!?

Well, we have been Boston residents for over two months now and we still pronounce our "r"s and use our turn signals appropriately, so no one is confusing us for natives. I am still working on my job hunt, but August is apparently slow for hiring because it's the month most people take vacations---or so I've been told. Bill is working incredibly long and hard hours---his patients are so lucky to have such a caring and smart fella help with their care, but I can't help but be a bit jealous of all the time he spends with them. Of course, in order to spend that much time with Bill, they must be pretty darn sick, and as much as I love my husband I think that I'd rather be healthy.  There's no beach at the hospital, and I'm going to exploit living so close to it while I can!

Now that it's August, that means that my brother's long-awaiting visit is rapidly approaching! I am beyond excited and can't wait for him to get here. Teddy is a pretty good brother to have, and I feel really lucky to count him as a friend. He's kinda crazy, but that can be a good thing. I am excited to do all the touristy things that I have been holding off from doing... I don't think that he knows what he's gotten himself into. Finally, someone to talk to during the day--who understands words other than "carrot" "outside" "car" and "walk." 

B has a GOLDEN WEEKEND starting this Friday which means that he doesn't have to go in to the hospital until Monday afternoon! I am thrilled that we'll get to hang out and am hopeful that he will be able to stay awake for at least part of the weekend. The current plan is to go up to Maine and explore Arcadia National Park, whale watch, etc. Camping is what B really wants to do, but alas, I'm not sure that it going to happen--it seems as though every campsite near the park is booked for the weekend. Such a shame. As you can tell, I'm devastated. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We're going to go camping for Trevor's birthday. You should come!!