Friday, June 1, 2007

This is how summer should be.......

Gavin's got the right idea!!! Isn't he the cutest?? Anyway, I think sitting in the pool, reading, and just having a good time is the way summer's supposed to be. Gavin is, by the way, the coolest baby ever (he also has the best mom/friend a kid/adult could want!) and is the reason why we don't have our own people babies--how could they ever live up to him??

We're off to Quincy this weekend for Holtapalooza--I'm sure there will be some interesting stories to tell. One thing we might do is go to Navoo to see the Mormon settlement--Bill wants to carry along his copy of Under the Banner of Heaven, which I think is a little much, but who knows. Oh, he just got his second first-author paper published--that's two just this month! George had a late night/early morning visit to the vet again this week with the same problem as before. Now the vet thinks it might be some sort of muscle disease that (fingerscrossed) we may have caught in time to treat before it gets any worse. My poor baby!! He's going to also require extra spoiling as part of his therapy--somehow, I think I can manage that. Maybe I'll make him a carrot cake so it's easier for him to get his carrots?

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