Friday, July 27, 2007

HRC-n-KEH 4eva!

I know I look ridiculous with that grin, but I couldn't help myself!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Gnome hits the Ritz...

What a great weekend! Trebecca came in town and Kriegel surprised us too with visit, and we also had a party Saturday night as well as Sunday (a baby shower in a bar--it was awesome!) so we were really busy, but it was a fantastic weekend. Somehow, a plan was concocted to climb Mt. Kilamanjaro in 2010....well, some of us may just wait on the beach in Zanzibar, but how cool will that be! Rebecca's sister and husband did the climb this year (just one of their many cool adventures during their 3-month trek around the world) and really loved it. So now we just need to get Greg and Jenny on board and we're set. I'm sure Jenny will join me on the beach! Anyway, Gnome crashed a party at the Ritz on Friday and as you can see above, he really enjoyed himself.
Who knew Gnomes needed drunk food??
Today was my last day at work....technically, I was planning on working until Tuesday but when the head partner saw me today and basically questioned why I was there, I did too and thought I'd just capture the moment and finish things up. Big sigh of relief! We're having a 4th of July party so I'll have plenty to do tomorrow. My main goal is to stay away from any store where I could buy the'll be hard to do.
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